
so is this what the peace process looks like?

Is it justified to bomb and air raid an entire civilian population for the return of two hostages? (Btw, in no way am I trying to devalue the lives of the two Israeli soldiers)

Hopefully others are keeping as close of an eye to the conflict in Lebanon as I am, but as it stands, Israel doesn't appear to be letting down on their actions.

I guess, we shouldn't be so surprised by Israel's arrogance.

If you haven't been following what's been going on, here's a quick lesson on key milestones with the Middle East crisis.

Fleeing Lebanese Speak of Indiscriminate Bombing

From the brilliant mind of Bush, "See the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over."

Junichi discusses his thoughts on the Bombs over Lebanon. There's a really interesting back and forth discussion at Poplicks with O-Dub and others.

Apparently, the crisis in the Middle East is now being described as the beginnings of World War III.


Blogger ninoybrown said...

Senators initiate resolution supporting Israel, condemning Hezbollah


July 18, 2006 10:26 AM  

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